Out of all the purchases you make in your life, your home is likely to be the most expensive, but it’s not just the price of the property you need to take into account. When you purchase your new home
When buying a property in the UK, you’ll need to undergo a conveyancing process before you can move in. While this process can be lengthy, it’s a legal requirement to ensure the sale of the property i
When you buy anything, whether it’s a new home, a new car or a new item of clothing, of course you want to know you’re getting the best deal, and so can be confident in your purchase. Sometimes, it’s
Making an offer on a house is an exciting but potentially daunting prospect, especially if it’s your first home. We often get asked, “how do I make an offer on a house?” So, our handy
If you’ve inherited a property that you want to sell, you’ll usually need to undergo probate before you can progress. The process can be complex, but working with the right estate agent and solicitor
When it comes to selling your home in South East London and North Kent, there’s a lot of overwhelming information and old wives tales out there, and it can sometimes be difficult separating the fact f
They say that when you meet people you have not met before, first impressions make a difference. Similarly, they also say kerb appeal for a property on the market is really important. Why? Because
Getting your property ready for viewings is so important. You need to sell buyers not just on the space, but the idea of living there themselves. It’s important that potential buyers step into your ho